samedi 29 janvier 2011

(500) Days of Miss DiversiT

So, I guess I’m a bit late on that one…
I just saw “(500) Days of Summer” a couple of days ago on TV. I don’t even think it got a proper release, here in Brussels. As usual, we miss loads of good stuff just because it’s not technically addressing to a wide dumb audience.
Anyway, I saw it and I don’t really know what to think of it. Okay, I’m lying : I loved it! But it depressed me a bit ‘cause – Bloody Hell! – they totally used me to create Tom’s character (and, now that I think about it, a bit of Summer’s as well)!
Tom believes in soul mates, love at first sight, fate, destiny and all. When he meets Summer, he’s so sure she’s “the one” that he idealizes her. She doesn’t believe in love; she just wants to have fun without pressure or strong feelings.
Of course, they’re trying hard to be happy but how can it work when you love someone totally and absolutely and that he/she doesn’t love you the same way? We all know how it ends: with a broken heart…
What I loved in this film, it’s how realistic it was. At least to me. You always want to see the bright side of love and you don’t want to face the fact that, sometimes, it has to end. So, they’re showing us the “good days” of Tom and Summer and also the “bad days” where their relationship slowly dies. The ending isn’t really what I’d called a happy one. But I won’t tell you how it ends (what a bad reviewer I’d be!).

Wait a minute…this…is…ME!

As I wrote a few lines before, I should sue Mark Webb, the director of “(500) Days of summer”, for sucking so much out of my life to put it in his characters. Examples coming!
First, playing around in Ikea? I do that every single time I go there ‘cause that’s where the fun is! That, and the cheap hot dogs and cranberry juice. I never really found someone who was playing with me. My friends just basically laugh at me…In a way, it gives me hope: I am not alone and, someday soon, I’ll find someone to play with me!ha!
Second, screaming curse words in the street and pretending it’s the Tourette’s syndrome? I was doing that when I was 16: I nearly invented the concept! We used to play in the summer, where people were outside enjoying a drink. If you’ve never done that: you have to try this! Sooo much fun!
Third, imagining that people are smiling at you and dancing around whenever you’re happy? Well, welcome into my life! It also works the other way around : when I’m sad/grumpy/angry/mad, I swear that it’s always raining and that people are looking at me in a weird way (of course, that’s all in my head…but still!).

I shall stop here with all these examples otherwise I’ll write ten pages and that’s way too long for a review!
The ending left me quite depressed. It made me feel like I was going to be heartbroken for as long as I don’t find my “one”. Because, yeah, I still believe in love and all that crap!

To conclude, I’ll say that it’s a truly great film talking about love, good stuff and bad stuff.
Zooey Deschanel is absolutely beautiful and plays perfectly her part (Mark Webb fell in love with Zooey’s eyes and you’ll notice that there’s a lot of blue shades in the film, just to emphasize her gorgeous ocean eyes) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt is incredibly good. His character is going through a lot of things and experiment a lot of feelings. It was impressive how well he played this wide range of emotions.
How to define “(500) Days of Summer”?
Not a classical romantic comedy, more like real life story about love.

Miss DiversiT

P.S.: hey, Mark Webb, not hard feelings! :D

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