mardi 24 mai 2011

Miss DiversiT has a favorite movie

I’ve decided to write about my favorite movie ever. We all have one, and just one, that we could watch a billion times without getting sick of it. It’s the movie that you watch when you’re ill and stuck in bed or when you’re feeling down ‘cause you know you’ll feel a lot better afterwards.
I truly think that, while you can adore a lot of films, there’s only one that’s super special. It’s like a love story: it has been love at first sight and it’ll last your whole life and no one will make it different. Actually, this could be amongst the first things you’d want to know about a potential lover!
So, done being all mysterious: my favorite film is….Jurassic Park!
I’ve loved dinosaurs for as far as I can remember. I don’t know why, as it is more a boy thing. And I don’t know why it’s still true today (“Walking with Dinosaurs” – which is a live show made out of the BBC series – was a blast and the closest way to feel like I was on a island with dinos!).
When I saw the film, in 1993, I was 8. My parents, although I don’t remember that part, said I was begging to see it. And, I can tell that it’s the most vivid memory I have about being in a movie theater. It’s the first time I really empathized with a character. I was totally agreeing with every word coming out of Timmy’s mouth! Now, I don’t recall why I was so ok with some stuff but I certainly was.

Did you feel that?

Almost 20 years after the release of “Jurassic Park”, I still watch it like once every two months (and it’s because I have to retain myself – people think I should be grossed out by now) and I know all the lines by heart (in French, though…I could try to memorize all the lines in English :D).
Watching it fulfills my need of dinos and brings me back into that theater, when I was 8 and holding onto my dad’s arm. I still find Timmy adorable and really brave. And, with puberty, I can say that doctor Grant is smoking hot. I also wish I had Ellie Sattler’s legs and Malcolm’s weird growling laugh.
So, now, you know about my favorite movie. Hope you’ll comment and tell me what’s your favorite film ever (‘cause I know there’s at least one person out there reading my posts- don’t be shy, I don’t bite!).

Miss DiversiT

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