jeudi 30 juin 2011

Never let Miss DiversiT go…

I have to confess that I do have a Tumblr. It’s just for fun, really and sometimes it does make me discover stuff I absolutely didn’t know about. Like Toms (they are not sold over here so I’m going to London to get a pair, it’s that bad!) or books, movies like “Never Let Me Go”.

I started reading the book, written by Kazuo Ishiguro about two weeks ago. It was unexpected and beautiful. It makes you think and it stays with you after you’re done reading. I’ve even searched for the song by Judy Bridgewater mentioned in the book. Don’t look for it, it doesn’t exist: they made one for the purpose of the film.

Film that I’ve seen yesterday. I thought it was completing the book. It expresses the characters’ feelings in a more explicit way. The book can appear a bit clinical in the way that it’s descriptive of the places and the events. And seeing it on screen gave it another dimension.
“Never Let Me Go” was released earlier this year and I don’t know if it encountered a big success. I know that I first read about it on Tumblr so I guess it hasn’t been popular here in Belgium…
The director, Mark Romanek, gave life to the love triangle formed by Kathy, Tommy and Ruth in a true, honest way. That guy has been touched by the book and you can clearly see it by the way he tells us that story.
He chose great young British actors to impersonate the characters. Keira Knightley, who’s already a cinema veteran, understood Ruth and makes us understand her, which is not easy. The easiest way would be to hate her because she’s mean and manipulative. But that’d be too easy, right? Carey Mulligan is amazing as Kathy. She looks so vulnerable and yet so strong. She’s the one that actually tells the story and the one that’s left in the end. She guides us as she guides Ruth and Tommy. Last but not least, Andrew Garfield was really moving as Tommy. He’s so innocent, so pure. He’s still a kid, naïve and full of hopes. There’s a point in the film (but I won’t reveal the plot!) where he screams…Sounds like not much but, in fact, that scream remains in all memories as the most heartbreaking scream ever filmed! It’s so right, so understandable, so easy to rely on, so true…This is true acting, this is genius!

Some scenes did shock me deeply and kind of traumatized me. Nothing bloody or unbearable, I think it’s just a personal way to react.

I thought “Never Let Me Go” was amazing: amazing actors, amazing scenery, amazing love story, amazingly tragic and touching. Once you’ve seen it, once you’ve found out about it, it’s impossible to get out of it unharmed, to escape it, to let it go…

Miss DiversiT

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