jeudi 3 mai 2012

Miss DiversiT is a great romantic…and movies are to blame!

That’s something you probably ignore about me…I’m a real marshmallow! I’m desperately romantic and sometimes, I am really cheesy. This situation often plays tricks on me as I tend to live in a wonderful world where people have values and men know how to seduce a woman without being rude or too bold. Talk about being adapted to the 21st century…ha!

I blame the movies because they’re the ones that taught me about love. Like “Love Actually” where Colin Firth learns Portuguese to be with the woman he’s falling for and, as everything is always perfect, she learns English; you know, just in case! Or “Notting Hill” where Hugh Grant bumps into Julia Roberts who’s a huge film star…A glass of orange juice and love is in the air.
Even when things go wrong, films let you think there’s a way out. In “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”, Jim Carey want to erase all memories he has of his former girlfriend but, during the process, he realises that, even though it is painful to remember, he needs to keep and cherish his souvenirs. Or “Romeo and Juliet” (which is a book turned into several films – I’m talking about Baz Luhrmann’s version) where they tell you that love is so strong that it is better to die than to outlive your soul mate.

During years and years, I’ve witnessed that Hollywood version of love and I fell for it! Thing is, the world doesn’t work that way and love is not what it used to be anymore. Now, guys whistle at you in the street and if you don’t response, they insult you. And frankly, what do they expect? That girls will turn around and be flattered?! When you meet someone new who’s attracted to you, he’s not going to talk to you…No, he’ll add you on Facebook or follow you on Twitter! Besides, who need talking? You just go to a club, dance in a suggestive way and some random guy will come at you and…offer you a drink? Ask your name? No, he’ll just dance glued to your body, expecting a kiss and a one night stand.

But I won’t change my vision of love; I can’t act like I don’t care, like this is not important. And, even though this may take time, I’m sure someday somewhere I’ll find a guy who’s been raised with the same films as me and who has the same vision of love. He’ll be a gentleman and I’ll be a lady and we’ll be happy together ever after… :D

Miss DiversiT

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