dimanche 9 juin 2013

List of annoying people that you can encounter in every sort of event

 I guess you’ve all experienced going to the movies, to a concert, to any kind of fun event and meeting that (group of) annoying person(s) that will break your patience down and make you want to become a murderer!

It happened to me as well and even more lately, which is why I’m writing it down in the utopic goal of easing my annoyance at that breed of people.

Here is a non-exhaustive list (feel free to suggest more!):
-       The whispering/talking/shouting one
There is always someone, no mater where you go, that will talk and ruin your moment. Let’s make an abusive use of examples! I went to a TV show recording last week. I was thrilled, excited for many reasons: I belong to the media and being in touch with that world felt like coming home and being in the right place (though very frustrating to see these people do a job I’m so willing to do but can’t get to…yet!) and there were celebrities, we were going to be on TV (yes, I fangirled a bit, I’m not pretending to be above that!). We were asked to dance our ass off, to clap, cheer and react to what was happening on the set. Well, believe it or not, there were a bunch of girls, talking casually, like they were in front of their telly! I mean, you’re supposed to be rather quiet during a recording and, if you want to comment, it can either wait for after the recording or for when the show is broadcasted. It was so annoying and rude. And, cherry on top of the cake, they were pushing around to be as close to the set as possible, chatting away and –I’m speaking the truth- never stopping!
You also have the whispering one, who’s just as annoying. Imagine you’re in a cinema theatre, ready to watch a movie and BAM!, for the whole screening there is going to be someone right behind you, whispering comments not so discreetly as you can hear what they say. Or, if you can’t understand, it’s going to feel just like a beeping noise in your ear that you cannot shut down…just as great.
Final addition to this category, we have the loud shouting one. Often drunk, he thinks he’s funny (careful, they can actually BE funny!) and that he’s entertaining the room. But, shouting and yelling while others are trying to listen to the artist on stage is a terrible idea. Choose the appropriate time to shout and it can pass for heavy cheering, which is fine!

-       The live-blogging one
Well, this one is easy to notice: he is there without really being there. He is holding onto his phone like his life is depending on it. He is on twitter, facebook, tumblr and keeps blogging about the event he’s at; except he doesn’t fully live the moment. And he’s annoying the people around him with his phone’s light…

-       The eating loudly and with an open mouth one
Mostly found in cinema theatres, this specimen is a pro at ruining a film. He usually eats something that, in itself, is noisy like crisps, popcorn, nachos, etc. The packaging makes noise and he is eating like a pig, with a mouth wide open so that everyone can enjoy the soft music of his chewing activities. Sometimes he eats candy and that, when opening your mouth, is dangerous: it gets really noisy! Same with chewing gums! You can eat without needing the whole theatre to know what you’re doing!

-       The smelly one
That is really sad. Because sometimes, it is someone that can’t help it. But, most of thetime, it is just someone who’s living his life, unaware there are things such as showers, deodorant and mints. I remember a while ago, I went to see “Catch me if you can” with my best friend and there was this woman sitting behind us. She was a whisperer and she had terrible breath! To the point that, by the end of the film, we were almost suffocating in that toxic smell. We still laugh about it today, though, at the time, we were not finding it funny at all.
It can also happen to a party: you’re dancing, having fun and, suddenly, someone comes next to you and there is an acidic smell of onion chutney accompanying that person. We’re not talking about sweat, that’s a different odour and we all suffer from it, despite the use of deodorant. I’m mentioning that kind of foody flavour that some people spread around. Ew!

-       The filming one
This one is living the whole event through his phone. He’s different from the live-blogging one because he actually sings along and has fun. But it’s like he’s watching a video on youtube or something. How can you go see an artist in concert and film everything? I mean, filming a bit is ok because it’s creating a memory, it emphasises the fact that you were actually there, living it. But recording a whole concert…I mean, when that one gets home, he must feel like he actually didn’t go but just watched videos on the Internet.

-       The “I am there but will not move a muscle” one
That one is ruining all the fun you might have! He’s just not moving! You’re dancing, you turn around with a big grin on your face and he’s there, looking at you, being totally static. Worse: let’s say you’re at a concert and it’s a very small venue. You can see the artist on stage and he can see you equally. You always have that guy in the first row that is not moving. The singer thinks “ah, a tough one, I’m gonna make him shake his ass!” and he gives everything to this one guy, hoping he’ll get into it and will start to actually physically show his enjoyment. But no…That guy won’t move. I have a good example: one of my friends is actually like that (which remembers me no to go to any kind of fun event with her anymore: drinks will do!). She was there with me at the TV show recording and she wanted to be close to the stage because there was a band that was going to perform. Once there, we were asked to dance and enjoy ourselves in an obvious way. She moved a bit, just to keep her right to be that close to the stage. I was dancing, having fun, thinking I was like an actress or something and when I turned to her…She was looking completely stoic…Shockingly let down by a friend! 

-       The “I am there and I will shake every single one of my limbs”
Danger ahead! Most commonly found in parties and gigs, he’s a very dangerous specimen. He kicks the air with his feet and legs, throws his fists and arms all over the place and wobbles his head around. He’s so into it that he won’t notice how close he is to others and how threatening his dance moves are.
He can also be found in cinema theatres: he’s that annoying guy who’ll kick into your seat for two hours, no matter how many time you’ll turn around to severely look at him...

Miss DiversiT

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