mercredi 24 octobre 2012

From Hell...

Don't worry, the title is not reflecting a gloomy attitude or some sort of depression attack!
Let me explain it to you:

Last night, my flatmate and I went to the Jack the Ripper walk.
I don't think I ever mentioned my fascination for the Victorian killer on here. Well, there you go: I nourish an avid curiosity for this mystery. I've read books, have seen documentaries and done this walk once in the past.
My flatmate is soon moving out to another country where they certainly don't have a walk like this one!
So, before going, she wanted to step into Jack the Ripper's shoes!

We went for the serious, only facts and history one.
This one --->
I have to say I loved it! You get to discover all there is to know about the victims, how they were atrociously murdered, where and when and you get to see a few streets that are left practically untouched since 1888 (of course, now, there is pavement, light and the prostitutes are gone...Like our guide said "this part of London is even trendy now").

Our guide was a fantastic story teller and, I have to admit that I was happy not to be alone on these streets: they are spooky, dark and (I do believe that places can have a memory) were the witnesses of awful murders.
More than about the Ripper and his unfortunate victims, you will have a good historic view on what was life like in 1888 in Whitechapel; well, if you were a woman, at least!
My flatmate and I thought about where and what we would have been if we had been living in 1888. For the anecdote, my flatmate would be up in North England, working in a mine and I will be in Belgium, working in a mine as well. We'd both have as many kids as physically possible and would be coughing our lungs out. In a word, we'd be dying...Interesting prospects, huh?!

My only regret is that we didn't get to have a drink in the famous pub where all the victims had a drink: the Ten Bells. Again, that place must have quite a heavy atmosphere and I would probably - well, let's face it - pee in my pants (yeah, I'm scared quite easily, I guess!).

What is trully great about this walk is that it gives you food for thoughts: we were elaborating theories on the way home! Who was he? Why was he never caught? He stopped (serial killers never stop killing unless something happens to them) so what happened to him? Was he wealthy and literate or was he a poor butcher? Was he living in the area?
What I can give you is this portrait the FBI made for the hundredth anniversary of the killings (yeah, that's a weird "celebration"!): he was a man, aged 27-34, living in the area and with a good knowledge of anatomy, meaning he was probably a vet or a butcher.

I hope you will want to take this walk as well, as it is interesting, fascinating, intriguing and, well, honestly, it's terrifying!

Now, good people, I have to go watch some documentaries on youtube...Sleep well!

Miss DiversiT

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