Last week
has seen the release of Grey: another instalment of the Fifty Shades of Grey
saga, this time from Christian’s point of view.
By this
time, I am guessing you all read this excellent post on Buzzfeed where
one journalist took the bullet for all of us and read the damn thing. It is
scarily bad, rude and not sexy for a bit.
My best
friend – who lives in Australia, happy days! – and I discussed Grey in a
conversation that went a bit like this:
Me: “I was
at Sainsbury’s today and guess what? That Grey book is selling for £3,99…”
(Laughs explosion) “It shows how crappy it is!”
Me: “Have
you read the article on Buzzfeed? That guy is a hero: he read the whole book
and reported back to the world!”
Her: “Yeah!
It is so bad…. I bet we could write better porn!”
Me: “Oh
yas, sure! But we have to write it on our phones, you know, respect some basic
Her: “Ok,
we both write a chapter of a porn fiction and, in a month, we send it to each
“Agreed! Prepare to read some excellent porn, my dear!”

So, it is
on, it is happening. We are all turned on (and off) by different things. I
totally respect the fact that some people love sado-masochistic sex. But I
believe that porn literature should be taken seriously: writing is an art and
it should not be taken lightly. Because I love writing and because this is a
fun challenge that might get me rich (I’m joking…or am I?), I am totally on
board with this “write your own porn on your phone” experiment.
Results in
a month time: we might not share this with the world but I will make sure to
tell you all how it went and if two regular girls – a total of four hands and
two vaginas – can actually compete with E.L. James and her saga…
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