mardi 9 juin 2015

Welcome Back to Meeeeee!

Hi guys,
Hello potential new colleagues,
Good afternoon future boss,

As you can see, I have not posted any word on my blog since September 2013. What happened? Well, to quote one of my favourite lines in one of my favourite films, “What always happens…life.”

I have been writing for other websites, chasing published copies and opportunities to make my way into the big writing media world. I have also been working full time in Essex (important detail because I have lost many hours of my life stuck on the North Circular). Then, that job ended and I joined a group of girls working in marketing and communication. It started as a support group but they sort of broke me down: they said I could never be a professional writer because I am not a native speaker…
So, I started thinking it was true and felt quite lost. What was I supposed to do now?
No to worry, guys, I have found my goal: I want to work in digital, social media and content marketing.

And this blog needs to be resuscitated because it is now my window: I am exposing my charming words under the virtual neon lights of my blog. It is my LinkedIn extension but also my life 2.0. Also, what a shame not to take opportunity to express my opinions freely!

I am back and I have tons of stuff to say!
Hold on to your butts!

Miss DiversiT
(This name works for French-speaking readers – they read it “diversité”- and for English-speaking readers – they read it “diversity”. Clever girl!)

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